A major event in the Orford calendar the annual Orford, Sudbourne & Gedgrave Flower Show and Fête, is held on the Saturday of the August Bank holiday. The Show marquee houses almost 200 exhibits of locally grown vegetables, fruit and flowers exhibited under exacting Flower Show Rules. Handicrafts, cooking, painting, photography and other talents are also included in the competitions with the extremes of the heaviest marrow, pumpkin etc. and the longest parsnip and runner bean, provide a major interest for both growers and novelty for visitors. Modest cash prizes as well as cups, trophies and certificates are keenly contested.
Whilst produce, art and fine handicrafts form the focal point of the Show, the Fete provides a first–class afternoon out for all the family. Bouncy Castle, Punch and Judy, Coconut Shy and many other side-shows attract children and adults of all ages.
Children’s races, some with parents are a popular draw, but perhaps the biggest attraction is the famous Orford Dog Race. Rules for this event are liberally interpreted with classes for small and large dogs.
The ‘hounds’ are lined up by their owners, given a juicy bone to sniff which they chase over a short course. The spectacle of mixed breeds, some keen, some totally uninterested and some whose interest wanders in other directions, makes this exciting contest a fitting finale to the Fête.